Sunday, April 28, 2013

Quality Worlds Exist: Do You Know what Yours Is?

        Man, I really just want to tell you all how wonderful I've been feeling for the past few weeks. El Centro College had student gallery art showing where all students who had pieces displayed where currently in studio classes. They also were giving out awards of up to $600 in scholarship money, in category of media, and honorable mentions who got gift cards worth $25 dollars worth of credit at Asel's art supply. Along with a good many of my classmates, I received an honorable mention for a 24x36in. oil pastel piece on crumpled watercolor work I did entitled, "Rightward Pondering".  Having a couple of my very own pieces being put up for display & sale was a great accomplishment in itself, but actually getting attention of judges and being awarded with a mention of honor, was even deeper progress; and joy. Sticking with the subject of school, I gained even more experience and progress with technique with the last few assignments, making motifs to use in repetition for at least 4 different patterns. This exercise aided me the most in tightening up my hand control and line quality with drawing media and a paint brush. Adam Palmer, (my design instructor), is such a caring & at the same time, relaxed, instructor; it's very prominent that he genuinely cares for student progress, and wants to invest his time in us all. We are an enthusiastic young bunch of student's that in the words of our instructor, seem to be "the class that really cares" about our work and the progress we make. Well, I wouldn't doubt those words, I know how much I care about my own personal growth, as well as my class' as a whole. I've built very nice friendships with most of my fellow design students, and a particular colleague of mine, who's someone that makes me very happy to be the type of person that I've been for my 19 years of living, because it's caused me to have bumped into them & ultimately get to know them, started up an intriguing conversation recently. While riding the train back to the Ledbetter station, she brought up the fact that the Learning Frameworks class she was in, discussed the concept of quality worlds; what makes up one?

     Quality worlds are pretty much personal utopias created by one's self; consisted of the desired people, feelings, situations, accolades/material things, and accomplishments. Now, keep in mind that when I took my Learning Framework class, I didn't quite grasp the concept of- well, that's not exactly the truth. It's not that I didn't understand what type of 'world' we were creating for ourselves, as much as was figuring out what kind of a world I personally wanted to be involved with. And now that I think about it, I might not be sure if my case is one of wanting this personal utopia that only myself and maybe a few people can enjoy being in, or spending a lifetime of hard work and energy to maybe improve upon the surroundings that I'm immersed in as of right now. Either way the act is being looked on, it all involves a great bit of investing time and energy, and most likely a bit of money as well.

     For me to accurately assess what my quality world would be, I'd have to take in consideration what I want to accomplish on earth while I'm here to do it.

  • Constantly be a sociable/relatable person,on whatever kind of tip it could be. (musical taste, spirituality, artistic taste, etc.)
  •  Attract some like minds & differing one's that have at least a few strong similarities; something that I'd imagine to be in being a spiritual being, maybe in personal attitude: open expressions of love, constructive criticism, and resides in being optimistic
  • Represent an idea- I don't necessarily want to be looked at as the man who accomplished this great feat, but rather as an example of an idea; particularly the idea that every one of us human beings have talents; we carry potential energy that can should become kinetic while doing what we love, whatever it may be. As long as no bloodshed or harm has to come to yourself or anyone else, it's all fine. And be confident in it. Don't let yourself, or anyone else instill fear in your heart simply because you want to do something/aspire to do it. 
  • Give people as many wonderful, pleasurable, mesmerizing things, as I can, that take them to a space in time of their own worlds; ones of nostalgic bliss that can magically take you away from the calamity that usually is living in a reality as this,(which actually does have numerous things of great beauty, but does not allow you the time to stop and ponder or enjoy them due to the overbearing need to stay alive, financially on top, and living some certain standard).
     Taking all those points in mind, I can maybe, in a nutshell, define my quality world as one that is run by myself and whomever I can relate to, revolving around the desire to openly show love & respect to all: of constant encouragement of creativity and of being knowledgeable of what has been and what currently is; where I've done/am doing my part in making others' lives better because I was there at some point in time. And I must say, while typing out this post, I am really confident that I'm in grasp of my desired world; Maybe not right at this very moment, but will be soon enough.  So, what about yourself? Do you have an idea of what your quality world would be?


  1. My quality world would be...let's see.

    A home; a home that's a fortress, filled with the beautiful things you described. Nice things, imported, exotic but comforting and welcoming things...and plenty of room to spoil guests. :)

    A community; made up of people who I can relate to, who hold power/respectable positions, can possiby offer aid and who are genuinely talented and diligent in whatever they do -- from art to farming to business, so we can form business relationships in order to accomplish great things for society and art.

    A family; like community but closer. A thick-and-thin set of blood ties that help each other and love each other...that try to look out for each other. I'd be happy to see them well...healthy, wealthy, and wise.

    Myself, but a stronger, more capable me. An educated me, knowledgable and sought after in my field (creative directing) and surrounded by capable colleagues that are the best at what they do. One who has completed her training (by a black king and queen -- my father and mother), so that she can be a better and more qualified counterpart to a young king (who may not even know that's what he is at first).

    A soulmate...a conqueror; someone who will dive headfirst into my abstract visions of the future and possibilities and somehow try grasp them and turn them into conrete plans. Someone who will appreciate my wisdom insight and value these qualities, yet excel his strength in business acumen, diligence, and maybe toughness. A twin flame, fellow warrior -- and together, we'll rule the world, muahahaha...or whatever part of the world God allows us to conquer. ;) Then maybe we can use our abilities to get all these things, if he wants them/has a similar goals to mine.

    The Lord; a better walk with Him, more wisdom in how to apply His Word, listen to the Holy Spirit, and become the person he intended me to be.

    And, finally, a ministry. Specifically to women and girls who have been abused, raped, and kept in poverty -- whether of the mind or the body. I want ot learn to feel toward them the way God feels: to know the plans I have for them, to give them a future and a hope.

    Whew. That was long, haha.

    I like yours, Andrew. Representing an idea really stuck out to me, as well the way you associate being sociable and relatable with being knowledgable. I see that.

    And I'm kinda glad you've been the person you've been for all your 19 years of living, too. :)

    1. A "fellow warrior", now that concept is quite tantalizing to envision, Aravis; a fellow tribe or troop member (to be a bit more modern with it) slaying opposition consisting of outward forces that strive off mentally defeating alacrity, good intentions/aslirations, while wanting all whom in this world have dreams and envision no other option but succeeding in grasping their desires. Man, such a journey. Hahaha And on a more serious note, catering to the physical and mental wellbeing of women who've been put in awful, compromising positions as those, is a necessary and noble thing to accomplish. It's terrible how how some humanity can be so cruel to our bringers of life and beautiful sources of deep love and compassion at all, but, it's very pleasing to know that with equal love and compassion given back to them, like wing-injured birds, can be nurtured and cared for, and begin flying and singing as God intended in no time.

      I really wanna thank you very much for sharing something like that with me and the whole internet blog community, especially when it's such a beautiful. Many thanks, & much peace and love to you my friend. :)

