Thursday, August 15, 2013

Fascinations of This Creator

     Back when I was a younger kid, maybe about 13 or 14, I was totally addicted to the magazines. To be honest, I didn't very much care what issues of whatever magazine or anything. 'Spin', 'Kicks', 'Slam', 'Complex', (Complex especially got my respect for having equally interesting two sides to each issue, seemingly always balancing a fun urban kick with a slightly more clean cut corporate with a twist of edge.), the list goes on. I read countless articles on random celebrities that were getting press for being the one for being spotted wearing so-and-so's fall '06 line, '07 spring line, accessories, and footwear; while being enamored with the accompanying graphics, color-schemes and the overall arrangement of these articles. I guess I can pretty much sum it all up by saying that I was just a huge fan well-orchestrated visuals; all the while, having particularly interesting subjects for articles is a definite plus.

     With evolving as a young man and an artists, I was always reconstructing technique, have gotten countless sources for inspiration in a world of heavy influence towards creativity, (which is certainly healthy enough, but in other ways can be a bit limiting to how much press a person receives), and plenty of facets to present effort I'd spent on my own strength as an artistic visionary*. With being introduced to the academic freedom of being a college student, I found numerous places where all the spurts of energetic creation moments, many of which I consider to be results of some of my best work so far, would totally fit right in and only serve to make me a bit more noticeable as a student/artist. My "quirks" of every now and then being quite chatty, obsessively looking for reasons/excuses to do things for people, and seemingly constant juxtaposition of audio with illustrated visual, have proved to be nothing but useful in efforts to really pinpoint just exactly where I'm progressing in my field. Being able to become a writer by means of regular 'ole assignment completion via any one of those core classes, and by means of blogging, I've totally found an enjoyable seat to be in. I kind of like to think of it as being in coach while having a row all to yourself that's actually pretty comfortable while going through turbulence. The "flight" being the overall journey of finding what your destination as an artist, your artistic style, or your perfect venue, while that comfy seat (that might not totally be where you want to be, but found out that it would include an equally soothing spot for the time being- plus you're not heading for a nose dive) represents an awesome moment in your existence that you've stumbled on, that you might have expected wouldn't be the best of times. I've said all that to illustrate how comfortable I've been being while typing out my exact thoughts as suitable as I can deliver them. All of this no doubt, combined with prior inclination has inspired a huge desire to not only be a writer, but also an editor; of my own magazine as well as earning spots for a column in any widely respected piece of literature.

     Taking the time to go back and read when I previously spoke of being a bit fascinated with fashion in magazines makes me recognize the fact I almost ended this article without even divulging the heavy intrigue I had/have for garb of any walk of life. Who out there remembers Kanye West being on the cover of Complex some time while being on tour for the Graduation album? Who noticed the integration of the Vans shoe audience around the time Young L of The Pack worked up the beat for the "Vans" track? Did you get to check out the first few Jeremy Scott sweaters, Frankie Morello's spring '14 line recently, or the higher prevelence of the docker/nautical trend in conservative and street wear? Those are just a couple of examples of events in history of a few different eras of urban, street and high-end fashion that I pay attention to, and I know I'm not the only one either. I would actually in my own opinion say that it's the lack of a successful mix of high-end and street that motivates me to set sail on the voyage that is fashion. One that only a handful of people can truly lead the way or dictate where exactly it'll head. (I'll divulge more on the matter quite soon, but until I do, just be on the lookout for the following : Twitter, Tumblr, & Spreadshirt)

     With all this being said, many thanks goes to attending El Centro; I've met people like Vincent (Dallas L.E.J.I.T), whom I'm currently working on a couple different projects with that we'll slowly give to you guys this fall. I'm going to be working with Cashmia Hataie for a couple of photo-ops. Natalee Trinadad is a colleague of mine who's been a subject in my own photography; along with an awesome young woman by the name of Chelsea Neason. I mean, not to toot my own horn and all, but I'm rather certain i'll be able to turn a few heads soon enough for sure. But yeah, don't mind me making a careful observation.

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